ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


Xmas lunch Dec 2010

The 2010 Xmas lunch held at the ANZ Pavilion was enjoyed by 280 members. Neville Pearson, ANZroc President opened the proceedings and proposed the loyal toast. Mike Smith, CEO was present along with his Executive management team and gave an impressive speech on the progress of ANZ this year. George Lawson provided an entertaining summary of his time with the Bank before proposing a toast to ANZ. More to come in the newsletter but in the meantime here are some photos of the event.

Traralgon Golf day 2010

There were blue skies over Traralgon on Wednesday and again on Friday. Unfortunately for us our golf day was on Thursday which dawned with grey sky and persistent rain. A little bit of bad weather wasn't going to stop 35 intrepid golfers from a long anticipated day of golf to determine the  10th anniversary winner of the Jim Coffey trophy. The scores were always likely to be on the low side due to the conditions but John Winders won the competition with a score of 38 points off a handicap of 19 having finished in runner-up position last year.  John Inglis , a previous winner in 2007 playing off 18 was runner-up with 36 points. Kathy Shady won the Ladies competition with 32 points with Lesley Cooke as runner-up. Kathy Trace outdid everyone with a hole in one on the 15th. The winners were presented with their prizes by Pasqualina Coffey.

A tremendous day again well organised by John Brown and Dave and Wendy Woods. An excellent roast dinner afterwards prepared by Margo and her team complemented by some good red wine left everyone in a happy frame of mind for the journey back to Melbourne on Friday morning.

It was announced that the next Golf day would be held at Spring Valley in early May courtesy of the President of SV, Bill Robinson.


ANZ World Magazine

The latest full colour version of ANZ World can now be accessed via External Links. This gives a great idea of what the Bank is doing in business terms across the whole ANZ Group.

November lunch meeting

The ANZROC meeting on November 11th was held on the 34th Floor of 100 Queen Street. Charles Goode AC gave us an illuminating insight into his 19 years on the Board of ANZ, 15 of them as Chairman.

Payment methods


Note that this year members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities (Pay Anyone) making certain that your personal details in the “payee information”

Read more: Payment methods