ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)

Vale Chris Fieggen Respected honorary Member of ANZROC Victoria aged 90


From Ian Fieggen Just a quick word to say that my father, Chris Fieggen, passed away peacefully this
morning aged 90 years. 

Chris was one of the founder members of ANZ IT/DP department in the 1960's and well respected by all.

Our condolences are extended to Chris' family.

Funeral service for Chris Fieggen
Friday 01-Apr-2022, 12.00 midday
Cirrus Chapel, Bunurong Memorial Park
790 Frankston-Dandenong Road
Dandenong South

The service will also be live-streamed. Details will be available on the
Selwyn Allen Funerals website closer to the service date:
Chris' kids would be thrilled if any former ANZ mates came.

From Selwyn Allen :

Chris died at his nursing facility on the outskirts of Geelong in the early hours yesterday.

He joined the Armstrong Siddeley Car Club in August 1966 (the Vic Branch's 5th meeting when I was still at school) and remained a member until his Sapphire Limousine and Saloon were sold. The Limo (Bridal Car for You and Annette !)

His youngest child, daughter Jenny Marshall in Adelaide took over the Limo and it is now beautifully restored, being now dark blue over light (bluish) grey.

From Louis Hebrard

Very sad. Chris had been unwell for quite some time. I have fond recollections of Chris in my early days as "second generation" computer programmer in 1969. He was so welcoming and helpful. A straight talker with a great sense of humour. A dedicated and proud family man. We shared a love of good cars and I appreciated his passion for his two Armstrong Siddeleys.
Vale Chris.
Bob Wheeler referenced Chris in his memoir published on our website a few years ago 

Bob Wheeler memoirs


From Tom McCullough


As one of the original 9 trainee analyst programmers who joined IT in February, 1964 I have fond memories of Chris. I first met him when we did the programming course in Sydney as part of the group of 21. While we were all trying to get into IT we also developed a real cameradarie. Chris was assigned to the Personnel project which was one of the first applications built. He was wonderful at sharing their findings with the other groups so we learned from their experiences.  They were great times
RIP Chris 
From Graeme King

I have many happy memories of time spent with Chris Fieggen and also Bob Wheeler as the operator testing and reviewing their respective programming efforts.

Both were dedicated in their efforts and happy to share valuable time with fellow workers.